Scotland  shall  be  independent,  Scotland  shall  be  a  republic.



Regime of a monarchy, a power of alien royal family is the last rudiment of feudalism in a modern society.

What the first will refuse the rudiment:  Australia? Flanders? Quebec? Scotland?

The Nations take the decision, if national leaders will allow him to do that.




The Constitution of Scotland (Project)


Chapter 1. Fundamental provisions.

Chapter 2. The rights and duties of citizens.

Chapter 3. Legislature.

Chapter 4. Executive power.

Chapter 5. Judicial authority.

Chapter 6. Regions.

Chapter 7. Revision of the Constitution.

Chapter 8. Additional positions.



Chapter 1. Fundamental provisions.


Article 1.1

1. Scotland shall be the independent sovereign state.

2. The national sovereignty and power in Scotland shall belongs to people of Scotland. The people realizated the national sovereignty and power through the representatives and by a referendum. Any part of people, any separate person cannot appropriate its realization.

3. The form of government shall be republican.


Article 1.2

The sovereignty of  Scotland shell extend to the entirety of its territory.


Article 1.3

1. State power in Scotland shall be exercised on the basis of division of its into legislative, executive and judicial authorities. Bodies of legislative, executive and judicial authorities shall independent.

2. The Head of the State shall be the President of Scotland.


Article 1.4

The state language of Scotland shall be Scottish and English.


Article 1.5

1. Scotland shall be a secular state. No religion may be established as the State or as obligatory.

2. Scotland shall be a pluralistic state. No ideology may be established as the State or as obligatory.


Article 1.6

1. A national flag of Scotland shall be Saint Andrey's white cross on a dark blue field. The description of a national flag shall be established by law.

2. The arms of Scotland shall be the image of a red heraldic lion on a yellow field in an environment of a red double framework from lilies. The description of the arms shall be established by law.

3. A national anthem of Scotland shall be "Flower of Scotland". The text and music of a national anthem shall be established by law.


Article 1.7

The Capital of Scotland shall be the city of Edinburgh.


Article 1.8

The Scotland shall consist of  regions, according to the law.


Article 1.9

1. Citizenship of Scotland shall be acquired and terminated in accordance with law, and shall be one and equal, irrespective of the grounds on which it is acquired. The possession a nobiliary title does not give any privileges before other citizens.

2. Citizens of Scotland possess all rights stated in Chapter 2. of the Constitution. Creation of optimum conditions for realization by citizens of the rights shall be the main function of the state. The civil servants interfering citizens in realization by them of the rights and if it is recognized by a court, shall be a subject to immediate dismissal from public service.

3. A citizen may exercise all of his (her) rights independently from the age of 18 years.

4. The possession citizenship of Scotland imposes the duties stated in Article 2.30 of the Constitution on a citizen. Evasion of the citizen from performance of the duties and if it is recognized by a court, shall be pursued according to the law.


Article 1.10

Scotland shall be a part of the European Union.


Chapter 2. The rights and duties of citizens.


Article 2.1 Right to life.

Nobody can be deprived a life. Human life shall be an absolute value. Capital punishment shall be not applied.


Article 2.2 Right to physical inviolability.

Nobody should be exposed to tortures, violence, other severe or humiliating human advantage or punishment. Nobody can be subjected without the voluntary consent to medical, scientific or other experiences.


Article 2.3 Right to creation of family.

Men and women who have achieved majority shall may marry and found family without any restrictions on the basis of race or religions. The family is a natural and basic cell of a society. Marriages between persons of one sex do not admit and are not registered.


Article 2.4 Right to support from the society and the states.

The society and the state supports to each person in the childhood, an old age, in case of illness, physical inability, loss of the supporter and for education of children.


Article 2.5 Right to health protection.

The qualified medical aid should be rendered to everyone who requires it. The society and the state assists development of public health services system, physical training and sports, and also ecological and sanitary-and-epidemiologic well-being.


Article 2.6 Right to a home.

Nobody may be arbitrarily deprived of his (her) home. The society and the state assists housing construction.


Article 2.7 Right to inviolability of home.

Nobody shall have the right to enter a dwelling place against the will of those residing therein, except in those cases provided for by laws or on the basis of a court order.


Article 2.8 Right to a freedom of travel and a choice of a residence.

Everyone shall may travel freely and freely to choose the place of temporary or permanent residence and freely leave Scotland and freely to return.


Article 2.9 Right to work.

Everyone shall may freely choose to the employment, being a source of means to his existence. Working conditions should be favorable. Compensation for work should provide worthy the person existence for him and his families. Compulsory labour shall be forbidden.



Article 2.10 Right to a private property.

Everyone shall have the right to have property and to possess, use and dispose of it both individually and jointly with other persons. Nobody may be deprived of property except under a court order. Possession, using and the order the ground and other natural resources is carried out by their proprietors freely if it does not render damage to an environment and does not break the rights and legitimate interests of other persons. The society assists development of private business. The right of inheritance shall be guaranteed.



Article 2.11 Right to personal secret and inviolability of a private life.

Nobody may be exposed to any intervention in his (her) personal and home life, to privacy of correspondence and of telephone conversations. Collecting, keeping, using and disseminating information about the private life of a person shall not be permitted without his (her) consent.


Article 2.12 Right to education.

Everyone shall may receive education which considers for himself possible and necessary. Basic general education shall be compulsory and free-of-charge.


Article 2.13 Right to freedom of conscience and religion.

Everyone shall may profess individually or collectively any religion or not to profess any religion, and freely to choose, possess and disseminate religious and other convictions and act in accordance with them.


Article 2.14 Right to freedom of belief and on free their expression.

Everyone shall may free adhere to the belief, receive, transfer, make and distribute any information, except the information raising social, racial, national and religious hatred and enmity. Censorship shall be prohibited.


Article 2.15 Right to freedom of peace assemblies and associations.

Everyone shall may be the participant of any assembly, meeting, demonstration, marche and picketing, but peacefully and without the weapon. Everyone shall may be a member of association, in cluding the right to establish trade unions for the protection of his(her) interests. Nobody may be compelled to join any association or to stay there. Creation of the associations assuming for achievement of the purposes physical violence over people shall also be prohibited.


Article 2.16 Right to a cultural autonomy.

Nobody shall may interfere someone to receive, transfer, make and distribute the information in any language.


Article 2.17 Right to free participation in a cultural life.

Everyone shall may participate in cultural life of a society and use cultural establishments and have access to cultural valuables, not demaging it.


Article 2.18 Right to protection by the law and court.

Human relations shall be regulated by laws. The disputes arising in human relations shall be resolved by courts according to laws. The state provides creation of fair laws and fulfilment of a verdict of courts, and also pursues the persons who are breaking laws and not carrying out a verdict of courts. Nobody may be deprived of the right to have his (her) case heard in the court. Everyone shall have the right to protect his (her) rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law.


Article 2.19 Right to equal protection by the law and the court.

All people shall be equal before the law and court regardless of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, material and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, convictions, membership of public associations, or of other circumstances.


Article 2.20 Right to freedom and inviolability of person.

Nobody can be subjected to any arrest, detention or exile. Arrest, detention and keeping in custody shall be permissible only under a court order. A person may not be detained for more than 48 hours without a court order.


Article 2.21 Right to reception of a legal aid.

Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to qualified legal assistance. In the cases envisaged by law, legal assistance shall be provided free of charge. Any person detained, taken into custody or accused of committing a crime shall have the right to use the assistance of a lawyer (counsel for the defence) from the moment of being detained, placed in custody or accused.


Article 2.22 Right to a presumption of innocence.

Any person accused of committing a crime shall be considered innocent until his (her) guilt is proven in accordance with the procedure stipulated by law and is confirmed by a court sentence which has entered into legal force. The accused shall not be obliged to prove his (her) innocence. Irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person shall be interpreted in favour of the accused.


Article 2.23 Right to not testify against itself and close relatives.

Nobody shall be obliged to testify against him self, his (her) spouse or close relatives, the range of whom shall be determined by law. Law may establish other cases where the obligation to give evidence may be lifted.


Article 2.24 Right to magnanimous legal proceedings.

Nobody may bear liability for an action, which was not regarded as a crime when it was committed. If, after an offense has been committed, the extent of liability for it is lifted or mitigated, the new law shall be applied. Nobody may be convicted twice for one and the same crime. In administering justice it shall not be permitted to use evidence received through violating federal law. Any person convicted of a crime shall have the right to appeal against the verdict to a higher court in accordance with the procedure established by federal law, as well as to request pardon or mitigation of the punishment.


Article 2.25 Right to the reference in the state bodies.

Everyone shall have the right to appeal in person and make individual and collective appeals to State bodies and local self-government bodies.


Article 2.26 Suffrage.

Citizens of Scotland have the right to elect and be elites in government bodies and local self- government, and also to participate in a referendum, except for persons recognized by court incapacitated, and also isolated from a normal society on a verdict of court.


Article 2.27 Right to work in official bodies.

Only citizens of Scotland may be employed in official bodies of Scotland.


Article 2.28 Right to participation in departure of justice.

Only citizens of Scotland may take part in departure of justice as judges, jurymen, accuseds and defenders.


Article 2.29 Right to protection from the State.

The citizen of Scotland may not be deported from Scotland or extradited to another state. Scotland shall guarantee its citizens protection and patronage abroad.


Article 2.30

The citizen of Scotland shall be obliged:

1) to observe laws of Scotland;

2) to pay taxes.


Chapter 3. Legislature.


Article 3.1

The Parliament shall be the representative and legislative body of  Scotland.


Article 3.2

The Parliament shall consists of two chambers: the Houses of Representatives and the Senate.


Article 3.3

1. The House of Representatives shall consists of 120 deputies elected for a term 4 years.

2. The House of Representatives Elections shall be 5-th of November everyone noleap-year. Deputies of the Houses of Representatives shall be elected on system of proportional representation according to the law.

3. Any citizen of Scotland who has reached 30 years of age and who has the right to participate in elections may be elected deputy of the Houses of Representatives.


Article 3.4

1. The Senate shall include three representatives from each region. Each senator shall be elected for a term of 6 years.

2. Senators shall be elected on 5-th of November each even year in such a manner that on elections voters always elect one senator, and accordingly, the Senate each two years is updated on one third of structure.

3. Any citizen of Scotland who has reached 40 years of age and who has the right to participate in elections may be elected senator.


Article 3.5

1. One and the same person may not be simultaneously a deputy of the Houses of Representatives and a senator. The deputy of Parliament and the senator may not be employed in State service or engage in other paid activities, except for teaching and scientific and other creative work.


2. Deputies of the Houses of Representatives and senators shall enjoy immunity during the whole term of their office. The citizen elected by the deputy or the senator may not be detained, arrested or searched, except in the event of detention at the scene of a crime. The issue of the removal of immunity shall be resolved by an appropriate chamber of Parliament upon submission of the Prosecutor General of Scotland.


Article 3.6

1. The Parliament shall be a permanently functioning body. Nobody should interfere with elections, convocation and work of Parliament. The Parliament may not be dissolved someone.

2. The annual session of the Parliament begins on 7-th of January and comes to an end not later on 30-th of December year in which has begun. Breaks in work of chambers of the Parliament during session are established by chambers independently.

3. The House of Representatives and the Senate shall hold separate sessions. Sessions of chambers of the Parliament shall be open. In the cases envisaged by the procedural regulations of a chamber, the latter shall have the right to hold closed-door sessions. Chambers of the Parliament may hold joint sessions to hear messages of the President of Scotland, messages of the Supreme Court of Scotland and speeches of leaders of foreign states.

 4. The House of Representatives shall elect from among its members the Chairman of the House of Representatives and and his (her) deputies who shall may be re-elected.

5. The Senate shall elect from among its members the Chairman of the Senate and and his (her) deputies who shall may be re-elected.

6. The House of Representatives and the Senate shall adopt its procedural regulations and resolve issues relating to the routine procedures for its activities, set up committees and commissions including Budgetary committee which order of activity according to the law.


Article 3.7

The Parliament:

1) shall adopt laws;

2) shall establish taxes;

3) shall establish judicial bodies;

4) shall establish regions;

5) shall make a decision on an opportunity of use of Armed forces of Scotland outside national territory in each concrete case;

6) shall ratifie and denounce of treaties with the foreign states;

7) shall announcement of amnesty.


Article 3.8

The Senate shall confirms or refuses in the statement on a post of members of the cabinet, except for the Prime minister, of diplomatic representatives of Scotland in the foreign states and the international organizations, and also shall appoints judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland and the General Prosecutor of Scotland by the President of Scotland representation.


Article 3.9

1. The bill shall may proceed from group of deputies or from group of senators, from the President of Scotland, and also from the Supreme Court of Scotland in questions of judicial authority.

2. Originally the bill shall be considered by the House of Representatives and if the bill proceeds from group of senators by the Senate.

3. The bill has voted more half from present members of chamber if in voting participated not less than half from list structure of members of chamber shall be approved. Deputies and senators absent at session shall lose a vote.

4. The bill approved by Parliament shall be the law. An adopted law shall be submitted within five days to the President of Scotland for signing and promulgation.

5. The President of Scotland shall sign the law and promulgate it within fifteen days.

6. If the President of Scotland rejects a law within fifteen days of receiving it, Parliament shall reconsider that law. If upon reconsideration the law is approved in the previously adopted wording by a majority of not less than two thirds of the total number of deputies of the Houses of Representatives and of members of the Senate, it must be signed by the President of Scotland within five days and promulgated.

7. The law shall be effect from the moment of its publication. Not published law shall be invalid.


Article 3.10

Force of the law shall have international treaties ratified by the Parliament, positions of other laws contradicting them shall cancel.


Article 3.11

Decisions accepted by means of the national referendum shall have force of the law, positions of other laws contradicting them shall cancel.


Chapter 4. Executive power.


Article 4.1

Executive power in Scotland shall be exercised by the President of Scotland in common the Government.


Article 4.2

The President of Scotland shall direct the Government or shall appoint the Prime minister

The President of Scotland shall appoints the Prime minister exclusively the Decree.


Article 4.3

The President of Scotland shall be elected by citizens of Scotland on the basis of universal, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot. Elections shall be on 5-th of November each leap-year, additional round of voting on 23-rd of November.


Article 4.4

Any citizen of Scotland not younger than 40 years of age and who has the right to participate in elections may be elected the President of Scotland.


Article 4.5

1. The President of Scotland shall be elected for 4 years.

2. Nobody may hold the office of the President of Scotland for more than two terms.

3. The President of Scotland may not engage in other paid activities.

4. The President of Scotland shall have immunity.


Article 4.6

The beginning of a term of appointment of the President of Scotland is midday on 5-th of January the year following after elections. On assuming office the President of Scotland shall take the oath of loyalty to the people in the presence of Chairman of the Supreme Court of Scotland.


Article 4.7

The President of Scotland:

1) shall sign and promulgate laws;

2) shall issue decrees;

3) shall submit bills to the Parliament;

4) shall announce national referendums;

5) shall address the Parliament with annual messages on the situation in the country;

6) shall submit bills of the national budget to the Parliament;

7) shall appoint and relieve of their post ministers, any other persons in establishments of executive authority of Scotland;

8) shall present to the Senate candidates for the post of judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland and the Prosecutor General of Scotland;                

9) shall appoint and relieve of governors of regions;

10) shall introduce a state of emergency on the territory of Scotland or on several regions;

11) shall be the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Scotland;

12) shall make a decision on use of parts of Armed forces of Scotland outside national territory;

13) shall appoint and dismiss supreme commanders of the Armed Forces of Scotland;

14) shall confer general's and admiral's ranks;

15) shall confer honorary titles of Scotland and bestow State awards of Scotland;

16) shall represent Scotland abroad;

17) shall hold negotiations and sign international treaties of Scotland;

18) shall appoint and dismiss diplomatic representatives of Scotland in the foreign states and the international organizations;

19) shall receive letters of credence and letters of recall of diplomatic representatives accredited to Scotland;

20) shall grant pardon;

21) shall create any advisory bodies which will consider necessary for the best execution of the powers.


Article 4.8

1. The President of Scotland may be impeached in case of if he(she) will make a criminal offence. Charge in fulfilment of a criminal offence is put forward by a majority of not less than two thirds of the total number of deputies of the House of Representatives which in three-monthly term should be considered by the Senate. If a majority of not less than two thirds of the total number of members of Senate shall discharge the President of Scotland of a post in 24 hours after acceptance of this decision the post of the President of Scotland shall become vacant. 

2. The President of Scotland may be discharged of a post before expiry of the term of powers under the personal request stated addressed to Chairman of the Senate.

3. The Prime minister shall direct duties of the President of Scotland before expiry of the term of his powers.

4. In case of absence of the Prime minister at the moment of discharge from a post of the President of Scotland, the Senate may select the President of Scotland from among members of the the Government for a while before expiry of the term of powers of the discharged the President of Scotland.


Article 4.9

The Government:

1) shall puts into practice laws;

2) shall develop bills;

3) shall develop a national budget.


Article 4.10

The National Election Commission shall organize elections of the Parliament, the President of Scotland, deputies of Councils of regions, other elections, and also national and local referendums.

The National Election Commission shall work according to laws.


Article 4.11

The Chairman of the National Election Commission shall be not the member of the Government and shall be appoint to the post by the Senate on representation of the President of Scotland.


Chapter 5. Judicial authority.


Article 5.1

Justice in Scotland shall be administered by the Supreme Court of Scotland and other courts which are established by the Parliament. Creation of extreme courts shall be not supposed.


Article 5.2

1. Judges of all courts shall form the Magistracy of Scotland. The Supreme Court of Scotland shall carry out the Magistracy of Scotland according to the law.

2. Judges of all courts shall be independent and shall be subordinate only to the law.

3. Judges of all courts shall be irremovable, the powers of a judge may be terminated or suspended only on the grounds and in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4. Judges of all courts shall be inviolable, a judge cannot face criminal liability otherwise than in accordance with the procedure established by law.


Article 5.3

The examination of cases in all courts shall be open. Cases may be heard in closed sessions in those instances where this is permitted by law. Judicial proceedings shall be conducted on the basis of controversy and the equality of the parties concerned.


Article 5.4

1. The Supreme Court of Scotland shall be the highest judicial body for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases under the jurisdiction of common courts of Scotland.

2. The Supreme Court of Scotland shall consist of 17 judges who shall be appointed by the Senate by representation of the President of Scotland. Judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland shall be citizens of Scotland over 50 years of age with a higher education in law who have served in the legal profession for not less than 10 years. Powers of the judge of the Supreme Court of Scotland shall come to an end on 30-th of June year in which to the judge 70 years are executed.

3. The Supreme Court of Scotland shall elect from among its members the Chairman, adopt its procedural regulations and resolve issues relating to the routine procedures for its activities and appoint the subordinated officials.


Article 5.5

The Supreme Court of Scotland:

1) shall provide interpretation of positions of the Constitution upon request of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the President of Scotland, two or more Councils of regions;

2) shall decide on cases on conformity to the Constitution:

- laws of Scotland,

- legal acts of the Government,

- legal acts of regions,

- international treaties of Scotland, which are not in force;

3) shall resolve disputes on authority:

- between the Parliament and the President of Scotland,

- between the House of Representatives and the Senate,

- between State government bodies of Scotland and regions,

- between regions.


Article 5.6

Acts or certain provisions thereof, which are recognized as unconstitutional, shall lose force; international treaties of Scotland, which do not correspond to the Constitution, shall not be implemented or used.


Article 5.7

1. The office of the Prosecutor General shall control over observance of laws in all territory of Scotland.

2. The Prosecutor General of Scotland shall be appointed and dismissed by the Senate upon a proposal of the President of Scotland.

3. The Prosecutor General shall appoint to the post of public prosecutors of regions and special public prosecutors.

4. The powers, organisation and procedure for the activities of the office of the Prosecutor General of Scotland shall be determined by law.


Chapter 6. Regions.


Article 6.1

1. Regions of Scotland and their border shall be established and change according to the law.

2. The internal life of each region shall be regulated by the Charter of region which may not contradict the Constitution of Scotland.


Article 6.2

1. The Council of region shall be the representative authority in region. Members of Council of region shall be elected for 4 years by the population of region. Elections shall be on 5-th of November each leap-year.

2. The Governor of region shall be executive authority in region. The Governor of region shall be appointed by the President of Scotland with the consent of Council of region. A term of appointment of the Governor of region shall be 4 years.

3. Justice in regions shall be administered by court according to the law.


Article 6.3

The joint competence of the State authorities of Scotland and regions shall be:

1) external and internal security of Scotland;

2) taxation;

3) social protection of citizens;

4) public health services and sports;

5) education and a science;

6) protection of monuments of history and culture;

7) libraries, museums, archives;

8) use of natural resources;

9) development of fuel and energy system;

10) preservation of the environment;

11) development of transport system;

12) struggle against accidents, acts of nature, epidemics and their consequences.


Article 6.4

Regions may not:

1) adopt any legal acts  contradicting the Constitution and laws of Scotland;

2) limit the right of citizens to live and work in any place of territory of Scotland;

3) establish customs borders, interfere free movement of the goods, services and financial assets in territory of Scotland;

4) make a currency issue.


Article 6.5

1. Regions shall consist of  municipal districts.

2. The internal life of each municipal district shall be regulated by the Charter of municipal district which may not contradict the Charter of region


Chapter 7. Revision of the Constitution.


Article 7.1

The bill amendments to and revision of the provisions of the Constitution may be submitted by the Houses of Representatives, the Senate, the President of Scotland.


Article 7.2

The bill amendments to and revision of the provisions of the Constitution should be by a majority of not less than two thirds of the total number of deputies of the House of Representatives, by a majority of not less than two thirds of the total number of members of the Senate, then not later than 6 months the national referendum should be lead. In case of if the bill during a national referendum receives 50 % + 1 voice accepted participations in voting citizens of Scotland having suffrages the bill subscribes the President of Scotland and after publication inures.


Article 7.3

Articles 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 of the Constitution may not be revised.


Article 7.4

Laws in force both other statutory acts and the decrees conflicting the amendment to the Constitution, will hold good before their reduction conformity with the Constitution.


Chapter 8. Additional positions.


Article 8.1

Deputies of Parliament of Scotland elites in ____ year shall keep the powers till January, 6-th, ____.


Article 8.2

The President of Scotland executing powers till January, 5-th, ____ shall be elected by the Parliament of Scotland.


Article 8.3

The term of appointment of deputies of the House of Representatives elected in ____ shall be from January, 7-th, ____ till January, 6-th, ____.


Article 8.4

The Senate shall be a functioning body:

a) from January, 7-th, ____ till January, 6-th, ____ at election in its one senator from region;

b) from January, 7-th, ____ till January, 6-th, ____ at election in its two senators from region.



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